Sunday, February 26, 2006
Sunday Morning
Today is going to be a great day, because I get to proclaim Jesus.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
ACU Lectureship
Sometimes we underestimate the many benefits that come from attending such an event. I want to share some of my highlights (in no particular order).
In my opinion, the best class (that I attended) was directed by Brian Mashburn. It was entitled, "Becoming A Church That Is actually 'Of Christ'". Brian spoke very powerfully and personally to me about the need, not to change our name, but to live up to it. He talked about an "omnipotent sign" that would be able to detect what kind of church we really are, but I believe that the community around us is already doing that. I pray that we may truly live up to the name.
I thoroughly enjoyed the evening keynote assemblies, especially being able to worship with The Zoe Group. In my opinion, they are what a praise team should be. I believe that they truly led worship. They did not sing to us or for us, but led us in worship.
Fellowship is an important part of the lectureship--meeting new friends and renewing acquaintances with old friends. I was able to do some of both. It was so good for me to relive "singing school days" with Joe Ed Furr and James Tackett. Of course, our "singing school days" were long before the singing school had the convenience of the ACU campus.
A real bright spot was Monday afternoon during the "old fashioned singing" in the Chapel on the Hill when an elderly gentleman got up to lead a song. He announced his name as George MacFarland. When I was a kid growing up we attended many singings together and I remember learning enthusiasm for singing and worship from Brother George. I think of him often and was so encouraged to see that he still has his enthusiasm for the Lord. I pray that I can still serve the Lord with that kind of zeal at age 89.
I met a new friend, who I have actually be conversing with by phone for a couple of years. It will be nice now as we e-mail and talk on the phone to be able to put a face to the name. Glenn, thank for your encouragement and I look forward to many more years of our relationship as brothers in Christ.
Well, I could go on and on (as if I haven't already) but let me close by saying I look forward to next year.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Well, it is official. 2005 is now history! It is now in the past. There is nothing we can do about it. Nothing we can do to change it. Nothing we can do to make it better or last longer. The only thing we can do with 2005 is learn from it. I have often wondered if it was around “New Year’s” time when Paul wrote the following words:
Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:12-14 NKJV)
Paul was ready to move on from the past. There may have been successes; there may have been failures. But he was ready to move on and make the present and the future better. He was ready to devote all of his energy into living the life God had planned for him. Are you? Are we as a church? Are we ready and willing to move on from the past? Are we ready to live in the present and work toward the future?
I believe God has great things in store for each one of us and He can use each one of us in a great way. In order to achieve these things, however, we must move beyond the past and keep the goal in our view at all times. I believe that 2006 can be the year to remember, but it is up to you. It is up to me. It is up to all of us! What will 2006 bring for you?