Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sunday Morning

I remember the old Johnny Cash song about Sunday Morning. He talked about all the range of emotions that are exposed on Sunday. To me, it is even more true for preachers. Like many preachers, I get up early on Sunday morning to meditate about the day ahead. I have been thinking much lately about our churches and our lives really showing Jesus. I know that in my personal life I have that responsibility just like any follower of Jesus. But even on a stronger scale, I have that responsibility on Sunday morning when I step into the pulpit. Whatever I preach, I have to preach Jesus and show Jesus and motivate others to show Him in their lives. This morning I am continuing a series on Building A Great Life. Today we are Building A Life Of Sacrifice. I pray that I can really show Jesus and His sacrifice. If we can really see that, then we will not have as much difficulty in presenting our own lives as living sacrifice.

Today is going to be a great day, because I get to proclaim Jesus.

1 comment:

Gilbert said...

Welcome to the blogging world. A good friend of mine, Alan Robertson, recently did a small group workshop at your church. I also noticed you are looking for an Involvement Minister. How is the search going?